10 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Did Not Die

ll of the evidence presented so far about the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) being alive and his eventual return to Earth constitutes important good news for believers. Such a historical marvel reinforces believers' enthusiasm and determination. The increasing urgency with which preparations for this event need to be made can be seen in a number of events that are occurring now. As revealed in the Qur'an and hadith, we may expect this event to take place in the near future. The present period is one in which many signs of his second coming, the End Times, and the Last Day are taking place. Dozens of such signs have occurred, and, what is more, one after the other, just as revealed in the hadith. The waters of the Euphrates river were cut off, there was a major war between two Muslim nations, extraordinary events occurred in the skies, solar and lunar eclipses happened during the month of Ramadan, natural disasters are on the rise, major catastrophes that have killed many people have taken place, and moral degeneration and corruption have spread all over the world. (See www.jesuswillreturn.com for the 138 signs of Jesus' [pbuh] second coming).
The fact that all of these phenomena are taking place within a very short period, an even shorter period than that predicted by many people, indicates that even more historic and portentous events will occur. By Allah's leave, humanity will witness the coming of the Prophet jesus (pbuh) at some not-too-distant point. There is no doubt that even the possibility of witnessing this miracle, one of the greatest marvels in human history, is an extraordinary situation. If Allah permits, many people who read this book will witness this age and meet the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). Therefore, it is essential that all believers accelerate their preparations for this great event and ignore anything that might hinder their preparations. When the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) comes, all Muslims must be in a spirit of union and togetherness, as a requirement of Islamic moral values. They must strive to intellectually eliminate all atheistic ideologies, disseminate Islamic moral values to the greatest extent possible, and call people to the truth in the finest manner. They must ready themselves so that they can be his most effective supporters in his struggle against the antichrist. It is a great honor for Muslims to be among those who strive to make the best possible preparations for such a chosen, honorable, and worthy guest. All believers now living have the possibility of achieving that honor, and everyone is responsible for making the best use of this opportunity, for the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) may arrive very quickly and unexpectedly.
Many people may wonder what kind of environment there will be when the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) returns. The hadith provide a great deal of information about this. First, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will [spiritually] destroy the antichrist and end his corrupt system. He will call all people to live according to Islam's guidance and teachings. After the antichrist's system has been eliminated, people will turn in droves to live by religious moral values. As a result, spiritual and material peace and comfort will blossom and spread. All conflicts and fighting will end, and disagreements will be resolved by peaceful means. Tensions and fears stemming from moral degeneration will give way to security. Justice will prevail all over the world, and a golden age when the old wish to be young and the young wish to be more mature will be ushered in. As there will be no physical and mental pressures to make people uneasy, and as religious moral values will be fully implemented, the finest works of art ever known will be produced and there will be stupendous advances in science and technology. Wherever people may go in the world, they will encounter beauty, wealth, and abundance. This golden age is described in great detail in the hadith, and we shall now look at the delights that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will bring to the world.

The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Will Cause Islamic Moral Values to Prevail
He will lead you according to the Book of your Lord and the Sunnah of your messenger.143
Jesus (pbuh) will come not as a prophet to the people of Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), but in order to implement the law of Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace).144
Jesus (pbuh) will descend and practice our Prophet's (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) law.145
He will judge by the law of Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) and follow the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), even though he is one himself, and will belong to the people of Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)… He will be one of the people and Companions of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), and he will be the most devout of them…146
There is no prophet between him (Jesus [pbuh]) and me. He will certainly descend. Recognize him when you see him. He is of medium height, of a reddish white color. He will wear two sets of yellow dyed clothing. Water will fall from his hair even if it does not rain. He will fight with people for Islam. He will  [spiritually] destroy the antichrist and then remain for exactly forty years on Earth. Then he will die, and Muslims will perform the prayers for him.147
He will recognize no other [religion] than Islam … The religion will prevail … Nobody and nothing apart from Allah will be worshipped.148

Global Peace Will Finally Exist
Then We sent Our messengers following in their footsteps and sent Jesus, son of Mary, after them, giving him the Gospel... (Surat al-Hadid:27)

Jesus (pbuh) will be a just judge and a just ruler among my people ... all grudges and mutual hatred will be lifted (removed), the sting of every stinging insect will be removed until a baby will insert his or her finger in snake's mouth and not be harmed, and the wolf will be like the dog among the sheep [safeguarding them]. Earth will be filled with peace, just as a vessel is filled with water; the word will become one [i.e., only Islam will prevail], and only Allah will be worshipped; the battle will put down its weapons [i.e., come to an end], and the dominion of the Qurayshis will be broken.149
In his time], there will be no rancor between any two persons.150
[In his time], peace will prevail and people will use their swords as sickles. Every harmful beast will be made harmless ... A child will play with a fox and not come to any harm; a wolf will graze with sheep and a lion with cattle, without harming them.151
The people then asked: "O prophet of Allah, why will the horse be so cheap?" He replied: "Because it will never be used for war."152
The Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Will Bring Justice to the World
Jesus (pbuh) will be a just judge, a fully just imam [ruler] within the community of the faithful. He will break the cross [annul the worship of the cross], kill the pig [inform that eating pork is forbidden], eliminate the tax on non-Muslims, abandon alms, and no value will be placed on either the sheep or the camel. All enmity and conflict will disappear and vanish … The world will be like a silver bowl, and there will be as many plants as in the time of Adam.153
Jesus (pbuh), son of Maryam, will come down as a just judge [ruler] and imam for his nation, by attesting to the truth of Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), and will make  the antichrist ineffective.154
Jesus (pbuh), son of Maryam, will come down as an imam who leads people to the true path and [will be] a just judge.155

People Will Live in Security
Such security will come to the world that snakes will graze with camels, leopards with cows, and wolves with sheep. Children will play with snakes, and the snakes will not harm them.156
Enmity and hatred between people will disappear. Snakes and scorpions will have no venom, and a child will even be able to play with a snake in his or her hand, and the snake will not bite him or her. A girl will chase away the lion, and the lion will not touch her. The wolf will stand and wait among the sheep, as if it were a sheep dog.157
Hatred and enmity among people will disappear, since their causes will have vanished.158

There Will Be Great Abundance
[When Jesus (pbuh) comes,] wealth will be so abundant that no one will accept it [alms].159
The son of Maryam will return and kill the antichrist [make him ineffective]. Then you will live for 40 years in prosperity160
Everywhere food will cook in pots, unseen prosperity will dominate, and material wealth will be disregarded.161
"Earth will turn like a silver tray, growing vegetation as it did in the time of Adam (pbuh) so much so that a group of people will eat a bunch of grapes and it will satiate them; a group of people will eat a single pomegranate and it will satiate them; the bull will be sold for a lot of money; and a horse will cost only a few dirhams." The audience asked: "Allah's messenger, why will a horse be so cheap?" He replied: "It will not be used as a mount for fighting." He was asked: "Why will a bull be so expensive?" He replied: "The whole land would be tilled."162
Earth's productivity will multiply to such an extent that if a seed is sown in a solid rock, it will grow.163
Even without the plough, the produce of wheat will multiply seven hundred times, one mudd [a measure of wheat] becoming 700 mudd.164
Then Earth will be told to bring forth its fruit and restore its blessing. As a result thereof, there would grow [such a large] pomegranate that a group of people will be able to eat it and seek shelter under its skin. A milk cow will give so much milk that a whole party will able to drink. A milk camel will give such [a large quantity of] milk that the whole tribe will be able to drink out of it, and a milk sheep will give so much milk that the whole family will able to drink out of that…165